When it comes to inheriting property, it is a bitter-sweet reality to deal with. You have acquired something based on the death of a loved one, and that is never easy. There are instances where you are driven either by practical or emotional reasons to force the sale of any real estate inheritance. Here, you will discover more important details on the matter for future consideration.
Why Would Siblings Force the Sale of Inherited Property?

One of the main reasons you would wants to keep the home, the other is in a financial position that requires immediate compensation. Disagreements can occur and there are emotions that are rooted at home itself since you grew up in it. These attachments can make a sibling desire to keep it without selling.
It becomes an inevitable conflict that can result in the force of the sale. One of the most common instances that might stir up a disagreement is if there is a sibling in that house who is still living there and doesn’t want to leave.
We all have to make the best decisions for our own circumstances, and sometimes, you might be in a significant financial bind. If this is the case, then it’s much more lucrative to sell the home and get some cash to pay off certain accumulated debt like credit cards or various other loans that plague your finances.
Legal Rights and Forced Sales
Siblings can legally force the sale of inherited property through a court process called partition action. One sibling can request for the forcing of the sale for the inherited property through a series of legal proceedings. It is worth noting that other siblings opposing this action would not impede the procedure.
The law imposes conditions in which, after a partition action has been completed successfully, the court will instruct the property to be sold and the proceeds will be apportioned among the inheritors equally.
Can One Sibling Force the Sale?

Certain difficulties like maintenance and taxes might be far too high to contend with and might push a sibling to force the sale. The house might be in poor condition, and you will gain insight during the appraisal process. After you have all the necessary data to proceed, each sibling will start to weigh the options in their mind regarding the best possible outcome for everyone. This is where the disagreements may start to occur because every sibling has a different financial view on the situation.
You might be at different points in your life and this can influence the decision regarding the forced sale of the inherited property overall. It’s important not to act too much on emotions, but this does happen rather often and is unavoidable. All it takes is one sibling to force the sale and it could be a couple of siblings who agree in opposition to one who wants to stay in the home and keep it.

The way to do this is to get rid of the burdens of the home. Perhaps they don’t want to share in the memories of living there as another sibling would. It might be more beneficial, psychologically speaking, for one sibling to get the money and if there is a disagreement then they will fight adamantly to achieve the desired outcome. One sibling has the power to take things to the next level and force the sale of the home depending on the circumstances.
They will plead their case and the result will depend on certain variables. If you are successful in court then the result is you split the sale price with the rest of the family. There are circumstances where you have no choice but to sell, and that’s when the home is beyond management and requires expensive repairs. Be continually mindful of these elements and make the best decision based on the house condition after the appraisal!
Making the Decision
The decision to force a sale requires careful evaluation of multiple factors:
- Your financial situation and immediate needs
- The property’s condition and maintenance requirements
- Family relationships and potential emotional impact
- The costs and timeline of legal proceedings
- Possible compromise solutions
What If I Want to Keep the House?
There are a few reasons why you might want to keep the house and the first is for practical reasons. If you’re younger and seeking a starter home, then it’s better for you to simply keep the inherited home. This will entail the proper maintenance strategies to keep it healthy along with any taxes. If you can afford this, then it might be viable to maintain ownership over it. Of course, this would be shared with your other siblings.
You can fight to keep the house as well and this can be an uphill battle when you have another sibling who wants to sell it. Another reason why you might want to keep it is for sentimental value. You may have shared a lot of wonderful memories in a home, and sometimes siblings will choose to simply move in together to split the costs and save money.

This can be a great temporary solution for certain situations. For instance, if you’re in college and want to commute then this might be the most opportune time to do so. You’ll need to keep up with the regular maintenance, but many people have enough money for an average home if they work together. You should seek to share ownership if you wish to keep the house and this can be a challenging situation to deal with. Keeping the house is definitely possible and it depends on the emotional and practical variables within any given sibling circle.
Common Solutions for Inherited Property Splits Between Siblings

There are a few solutions you can work out with each other before immediately deciding to take it to court. There will be some passionate emotions regarding the past and financial states to consider when engaging in conversation. It’s always wise to have a counselor with you during the deliberation process to help defuse any tension and keep things civil. This is necessary if you have a history of family fighting because emotions can definitely cloud reason and sound judgment.
One of the most common solutions is a buyout where all siblings own equal shares of the property and one decides to make an offer to buy them out. When selling inherited property to siblings, there might be a mortgage involved and you might need to do some more calculations. It definitely gets more complicated. An interesting way to resolve certain matters during this difficult time is to work it out before the parent dies. The sale of inherited property is something you might be able to reach common ground on.
This way, they can be more specific and address their wishes exactly according to what each sibling wants. This is a very common method that tends to make the process smoother. It gives you a working roadmap to the destination before the event even takes place. After they pass away, simply reference what the strategy was and carry it out. Resolving in this manner is incredibly advantageous because the logistical details are already accounted for and outlined in the will with more detail.
Consulting with your parents regarding what will happen to their estate is a good way to attain common ground with each other. It helps to gather family perspectives and tackle some future issues that you’ll have to face eventually. Instead of focusing on the inherited property, you can be more attentive to each other during the grieving process. Another useful strategy to split the assets of a property is to hire a mediator.
It’s incredibly helpful if you and your siblings don’t see eye to eye and want to resolve the matter quickly and efficiently. The mediator will know and understand all the important facets of inheritance and can help you devise a solution! You might wonder, “can heirs force the sale of a property?” and they definitely can, but other options should be weighed and considered first.
Is It Necessary to Involve the Court When Inheriting a House With Siblings?

This can be a sensitive issue to deal with because there’s nothing worse than dealing with a court situation right after a death. It is more common than you think though because this isn’t a perfect world. Emotions and practical reasons are both causes for taking it to the judicial system which has the final say about any given property. Even if there is a victory, there might be emotional consequences for the future regarding your siblings.
It’s always important to communicate in a helpful and friendly way even if you disagree. Hiring a professional mediator will help keep things more balanced instead of working it out by yourself which can lead to more disagreements or misunderstandings.
The truth is that it is indeed very necessary to take things to court. Filing a partition for estate planning is the first step to realizing this and it’s a great idea if you’re in a difficult circumstance. There might be unfair variables at play that need to be properly judged by the court. In this circumstance, they will determine the appropriate action based on the information provided. The court will make the correct decision on if a sibling should buy a home. They will also initiate the forced sale of the house if necessary and set the appropriate price.
The amount will be divided according to their exact specifications and everything will be exceptionally copacetic and fluid. This is a fast way to resolve the issue if things are complicated in your situation. That is definitely a possibility and you want to initiate a partition if you have differing interests.
The best reason to take it to the court system is for attaining practical results. However, some will still attempt to force the sale based solely on emotional reasons. Regardless of the intent, it’s the court’s responsibility to ensure the fair treatment of all and settle the case. From there, the ruling will carry out on the basis of what information was presented. The truth is that this is unavoidable sometimes, but it’s preferred that you handle all disagreements outside the court like a loving family.
There are certain alternatives to compromise that makes agreement more feasible. Sometimes your sibling might not be as flexible as you regarding issues of money. This is often a major difference between you if there are significant age gaps.
What’s right for one simply isn’t the best for another so it’s important to discuss and negotiate in a civil manner before elevating the situation to a partition. Always make sure you have settled 100% in your mind that you want to take it to the next level because once it is filed, there is no going back until the court has reached a final ironclad judgment!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can siblings force the sale of inherited property in Canada?
Yes, Canadian law allows co-owners to force a sale through a partition action, similar to other jurisdictions.
How do you partition a property when one sibling is not willing?
File a partition action with the court, which can legally force the sale regardless of the unwilling sibling’s objections.
Can I sell my property if my co-owner brother doesn’t want to sell?
Yes, through a court-ordered partition sale, though attempting mediation first is recommended.
What if my brother won’t give me my inheritance?
Consult a probate attorney and file a legal claim to enforce your inheritance rights through the courts.
What if my brother cheated me out of my inheritance?
Document everything and contact an estate litigation attorney immediately. You can contest fraudulent actions within the statute of limitations.
What to do when siblings fight over inheritance?
Engage a professional mediator, document all communications, and consider legal representation if necessary.
How do you deal with a greedy sibling when a parent dies?
Maintain clear documentation, communicate through legal representatives if needed, and focus on following the legal process rather than emotional confrontations.
Can my sibling take my inheritance?
Not legally if you’re named in the will. If you suspect interference, consult an estate attorney immediately.
How do you deal with a malicious sibling?
Limit direct contact, document all interactions, communicate through attorneys, and focus on legal rather than emotional solutions.
In summation, it is definitely possible for one sibling to force the sale of an inherited home. This isn’t always necessary though and many siblings come to some sort of an agreement before it’s taken to court. There are a lot of emotions to deal with along with logistics so it’s important to maintain a grounded mentality despite the various challenges presented here. Always consider the best outcome for everyone and it won’t progress to forcing the sale. However, it might be necessary at times in certain impossible circumstances that require action!